The eighth edition of the acclaimed Supercrits series saw members of the original project team come back to school to present the late Will Alsop’s groundbreaking project 'Le Grand Bleu', Marseille, completed in 1994, for a 'crit' by a panel of international critics and a public and student audience. The event and the identity for the Supercrits series were produced by Studio MASH.
Devised in 2003 by the research group EXP at the University of Westminster, and re-launched by Studio MASH in 2018, Supercrits invites the world's most influential architects 'back to school' to present a well known project to an expert panel and student audience. Former Supercrits have been Cedric Price: Potteries ThinkBelt; Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown: Learning From Las Vegas; Richard Rogers: The Pompidou Centre; Bernard Tschumi: Parc de la Villette; Rem Koolhaas: Delirious New York; Leon Krier: Poundbury; and Michael Wilford: Neue Staatsgalerie.